Xuwen Chen

Xuwen Chen

PhD student

Peking University

I am currently a third-year PhD student in the School of Intelligence Science and Technology in Peking University, advised by Prof. Baoquan Chen. I am also fortunate to receive guidance from Dr. Bin Wang, Prof. Mengyu Chu and Prof. Bo Zhu. Before in 2022, I graduated from the AI Turing class in the School of EECS in Peking University and got my bachelor’s degree.

I’m interested in computer graphics, especially physically based animation. I have been working on thin-shell simulation and collision detection, aiming at providing efficient and robust simulation tools for reconstructing the world model on a virtual platform. Recently, I have gained a new interest about garment simulation combined with learning-based approaches.

Apart from research, I’m also interested in Chinese operas and Chinese chess.


  • Computer Graphics
  • Physically Based Animation
  • Computer Aided Design


  • PhD in Artificial Intelligence, 2022 - Present

    School of Intelligence Science and Technology, Peking University

  • BSc in Artificial Intelligence, 2018 - 2022

    School of EECS, Peking University
